Our Story

Our story starts back in 2021, when Ms. Asabe Waziri, a respected professional in the oil and gas industry, embarked on what she believed would be a new chapter by purchasing a property in Abuja from Cecil Osakwe, a seemingly reputable developer. However, what began with optimism swiftly turned into a harrowing ordeal. Ms. Waziri’s requests for property documents and receipts were met with evasion and hostility from Osakwe, culminating in unfounded accussations of money laundering and escalating intimidation tactics.

Osakwe’s campaign of intimidation intensified, leveraging his connections within the police force to further harrass Ms. Waziri. In a malicious attempt to coerce her into relinquishing the property, he falsely reported her to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on fabricated accusations of money-laundering in September 2021. Despite these chilling tactics, an exhaustive investigation by the EFCC absolved her of his allegation, exposing Osakwe’s malicious, spiteful and ill intent.

Concurrently, Osakwe initiated legal action to void the contract. Despite an unfavourable initial judgment, Ms. Waziri, unwavering in her resolve, countered with appeals and motions, demonstrating her defiance against Osakwe’s deceitful maneuvers.

Facing Osakwe’s escalating unlawful behaviour, Ms. Waziri filed a formal complaint with the police, leading to criminal charges of fraud and criminal intimidation against Osakwe.

Illegal Trespass and an Audacious Unlawful Eviction:

The pursuit of justice only fueled Osakwe’s aggression, bolstered by the assistance of a new legal ally, one Victor Giwa. Their tactics grew increasingly ruthless and aggressive, culminating in a coordinated and baseless social media and media defamation campaign against Ms. Waziri, obstructing the path to justice. False allegations were spread including claims of substantial payments in cash and dollars, aiming to tarnish her reputation and undermine her credibility.

In a brazen move, alongside the media blackmail, Osakwe and Giwa orchestrated the illegal seizure of Ms. Waziri’s property, forcing her into temporary refuge.

Subsequent legal clarifications confirmed the illegality of Osakwe’s actions, leading to an eight-count criminal charge against him, his lawyer Victor Giwa and one other by the Hon. Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice.

Further enquiries revealed a pattern of deceit orchestrated by Osakwe and his associates, exploiting legal loopholes to reclaim sold properties from unsuspecting buyers.

Despite coercion, intimidation and perpetuation of falsehood, Ms. Waziri remained resolute, refusing to yield to their demands for personal gain. Their desperate attempts to manipulate and deceive failed in the face of Ms. Waziri’s unwavering determination to seek justice and uphold her rights.

Establishing AWJAI: Empowering Voices, Confronting Injustice

Ms. Waziri’s ordeal served as the catalyst for a profound mission. Recognizing the critical need of legal aid in navigating such injustices, she founded the Asabe Waziri Justice Advocacy Initiative (AWJAI).   AWJAI emerges as a beacon of hope for  individuals encountering similar challenges; empowering victims of injustice, providing legal support, unwavering advocacy, and a strong voice. 

Ms. Waziri’s story epitomises resilience, in the face of adversity.  Through AWJAI, her  legacy continues to inspire countless others to confront injustice and champion transformative change.  

Today, AWJAI stands as the cornerstone of advocacy in Nigeria, providing vital legal aid for those seeking justice in Nigeria.

Read more about A Tale of Resilience.

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