The Nigerian police act 2020, was signed into law by president Muhammadu Buhari on 15th September 2020 to repeal the police act Cap P19 laws of the federation of Nigeria, 2004.

The Act is the first ever comprehensive revision of the Police Act since its enactment in 1943. The repeal of the old Police Act which was enacted in 1943 is considered a huge milestone in the quest for the reform of the legal framework for the police force.

The Act seeks to provide for an effective and efficient Nigerian police service that complies with the principles of accountability and transparency and protects the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Nigerians.
Although the new Police Act contains many innovative provisions, there is however, a debate as to whether the Nigerian Police Act (2020) is the answer to the problems of impunity within the Nigerian police force.

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The document is produced and published by the Rule of Law Accountability Advocacy Centre (RULAAC)

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