About Us

Who we are

Who We Are

We are a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to empowering victims of injustice and advocating for reforms in the Nigerian justice system.

Since our establishment in 2023, we have stood alongside individuals harmed by crime and injustice, guiding them through the often-daunting terrain of the justice system. Offering comprehensive support, legal aid, and counsel, and we ensure that those affected receive the assistance they need.

As a beacon of hope, we uphold the fundamental right to justice for all and tirelessly advocate to ensure that victims have a voice and a path to justice.

Join us in our mission to build a Nigeria where hope thrives, not injustice.

Our Mission

To combat injustice across all levels of the civil and criminal justice administration in Nigeria.

Our Vision

To foster increased confidence and trust in the Nigerian justice system.

Our Core Values


At the heart of our organisation lies Integrity. It guides our daily actions, ensuring unwavering honesty, transparency, courage, and dedication in everything we do.


We shall treat every person who walks through our door with courtesy, honesty and respect. Upholding these values fosters cooperation, facilitating the pursuit of our shared objectives.


Every case or program is approached with unwavering commitment, driven by passion and urgency to achieve justice.​


AWJAI remains dedicated to honesty, openness and responsibility across all endeavours. We willingly disclose financial accounts to build trust with our stakeholders. We are committed to openly sharing our practices, taking ownership of decisions and actions, and being accountable for their outcomes.

"The Origins of Our Logo: Responding to Curiosity"

Our logo encapsulates the essence of AWJAI’s inspiration. it takes the form of a lotus flower adorned with purple and black hues, symbolizing a blend of virtues that drive  our mission in aiding victims of injustice.

The lotus, a resilient emblem, embodies unyielding determination.   Its significance lies not only in weathering turbulent storms with grace but also in its journey from the murky depths, emerging pristine and untainted.  Rooted in muck, yet blossoming in purity, it signifies the resilience to thrive despite adverse surroundings, embodying the triumph over life’s trials.

The purple tones within our emblem represent justice, inherent dignity of individuals, and unwavering commitment to our cause.  Meanwhile, the presence of black signifies the law, authority, resilience, and further underscores the dignity of every person we strive to support.

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