A Defining Moment of Injustice

March 18th, 2022, was a turning point in our founder’s life.  On this day, her peaceful life in Abuja was upended by a reprehensible act – an illegal eviction from her home.  This malicious deed was orchestrated by a deceitful developer, Cecil Osakwe of Abeh Signature Ltd, with the assistance of lawyer, Victor Giwa.  Giwa, employing armed thugs, invaded her sanctuary, a home she had purchased and lived in for over a year and confiscated all her belongings. This brazen act of self-help was falsely justified under the guise of executing a court order.  Prior to this, on February 20th, 2022, Victor Giwa accompanied by armed thugs and an electrician had disconnected her essential services including water and electricity, directly supervising this barbaric act.

Just two weeks later, Victor Giwa’s true motives were revealed when he was appointed a shareholder and Director of Abeh Properties Management Ltd, a company owned by his client, the developer.   This appointment highlighted his blatant self-interest, greed and unethical conduct in leading the illegal eviction.

Following their arrest and investigation by the the Nigeria Police Force’s, highest investigative body, the Force Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (FCIID), and investigation, this barbaric act has prompted the Honourable Attorney- General of the Federation and Minister of Justice to file an eight-count charge against the developer, Cecil Osakwe, Victor Giwa, and another individual for illegal trespass, theft, mischief, tampering with electricity supply and other offenses.  They are scheduled to be arraigned on July 3, 2024, at the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court in Maitama.

Standing Up Against Injustice

Despite an unjust court judgment obtained by the developer, Ms. Waziri refused to be crushed. She faced a co-ordinated smear campaign and intimidation tactics but remained resolute in her pursuit of justice.  Rather than giving in to despair, she rallied her legal team and launched an appeal.

Fighting Back

Her lawyers, led by Henry Eni-Otu, Esq., swiftly filed an appeal.  On April 4th, 2022, the Court of Appeal, recognized the glaring injustice and ruled in her favour.  The panel, led by Justice H.S. Tsammani, and including Justices U. A. Ogakwu and B.I Gafai, declared, “considering the circumstances of this case, it is ordered that the Status quo ante bellum be maintained”.  However, the developer defied this order for over two years, further demonstrating his blatant disregard for the law.

Finally, on March 1st, 2024, justice was served when the FCT High Court enforced the order, restoring Ms. Waziri to her home.  Her journey, marked by resilience and unwavering determination, serves as a beacon of hope to all who face similar injustices.

Victory through Perseverance:

Despite attempts to prolong the proceedings at the Court of Appeal with applications and adjournments, the appeal initiated on March 11, 2022, concluded favourably on May 21, 2024.  In a unanimous verdict, the three-judge panel led by Justice Hamma Akawu Barka, and including justices Abba Bello Mohammed , and Okon Efreti Abang, overturned the lower court’s judgment in its entirety and awarded costs of N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) to the appellant, Ms. Asabe Waziri.

Ms. Waziri and lawyers posing as they exited the Court of Appeal, Abuja on May 21, 2024.

The Court of Appeal declared that the judgment of the trial court was not supported by credible evidence and constituted a miscarriage of justice.

 Justice Barka, in his judgment stated:

“It is clear that the respondent, having benefitted more from the transaction, seeks to vitiate the contract possibly to further benefit from it. I agree with the appellant’s counsel that the appeal is destined for success and should be allowed. Hence, having resolved all issues in favor of the appellant, this appeal succeeds and is hereby allowed. The judgment of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in suit No: CV/2435/2021, delivered on February 17, 2022, is hereby set aside, and all actions taken consequent to the said judgment also stand vacated. The appellant is entitled to costs assessed at N500,000 (five hundred thousand Naira only). Appeal allowed.”

 Read the full judgement of the Court of Appeal in the case of Asabe Waziri V. Abeh Signature Ltd.

A Beacon of Hope

Ms. Waziri’s story is more than a legal victory; it is a testament to the power of perseverance. It sends a powerful message to anyone facing adversity: never lose faith in the pursuit of what is right. The journey may be tough, but Ms. Waziri’s unwavering resolve ultimately paved the way.   Her victory stands as an inspiration to all battling similar injustices to fight for their rights, and not to surrender to exploitation, intimidation or blackmail.

Join the Fight for Justice

Ms. Asabe Waziri’s story is not unique. Illegal evictions and land disputes are harsh realities for many. By sharing her story, we hope to inspire others to fight for their rights. Together, let us raise awareness and condemn these unlawful practices. Let Ms. Waziri’s resilience guide us – To Be the change, to fight for what’s right, and to ensure justice prevails for all.

Read about the inspiration for AWJAI 


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